In the early days of ECR, the Store Policies was only 3 sentences long and covered just the basics: How to select the fish, How much is shipping and How to pay.
Over the years, the Store Policies grew exponentially. This is due in fact to problematic issues I encountered with every other sale. Some are quick, easy transactions but some more complicated. Everytime an issue came up it became apparent that guidelines needed to be set in place to make things more efficient, protect ECR's interests as well as the customer's but most importantly the goldfish I bred and raised. Certain policies may seem overly restrictive but purposely done as a deterrent to timewasters and needless abusive behavior. And while I love this hobby immensely and appreciate the goldfish community for your continued support - I do face a lot of challenges everyday:
East Coast Ranchu is labor intensive. Not just caring for the goldfish, packaging and shipping, aftersales customer care. I also put in a lot of time and energy to make the ECR shopping experience enjoyable for those who visit this site by providing studio quality photos and videos as well as the Livestream service. All I ask is that customers reciprocate and make this an easy and pleasant experience for me as a seller so I can continue to do good things for the hobby and take East Coast Ranchu further.